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Mobile SDK releases #20

August 30th - New versions of Karhoo SDKs are available

Network SDK:

  • iOS SDK v1.8.1
  • Android SDK v1.9.1


  • iOS UI SDK v1.13.1
  • Android UISDK v1.13.3

Karhoo UI SDK: Check out the developer documentation to learn how to develop with the UI SDK:

What's new?


  • Provided fixes for issues that appeared with Xcode 15 beta
  • Added custom phone number validation rules for mobile numbers from the following countries: GB, FR, ES, IT, BE, DE, AE, NL, TH, ID, HU, GR, PL, US, CN, RU, PT, BR, JP. All other mobile phone numbers are checked against a more relaxed regex.
  • Removed deprecated colours to insure easier longterm maintenance
  • Codebase maintenance


  • Upgraded our Braintree dependency version to 6.11 in order to fix a crash that was occurring due to the dependency
  • Increased the kotlin version to 1.7.21