Karhoo Android SDKs are available on JitPack
over 3 years ago by Mostafa Hadian
May 10th 2021 - New versions of Karhoo Android SDKs are available on JitPack
JFrog is sunsetting JFrog Bintray during 2021. As of May 1st, Bintray and its hosted repositories will be read-only for new updates and will be shut down. read more...
In order to continue supporting our developers' community, we have decided to use JitPack in order to distribute the SDKs. The new version of Android UI SDK and Network SDK are available from JitPack.
You need to update your project build.gradle
and replace bintray maven repository with Jitpack
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
You also need to update the version number of the SDK in your build.gradle
located in the App directory for dependencies:
Network SDK
implementation 'com.github.karhoo:karhoo-android-sdk:1.3.0'
implementation 'com.github.karhoo:karhoo-android-ui-sdk:1.3.1'