These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

Extending quotes API with vehicle make, models and images

Currently in BETA version, only available to specific partners. If you are interested to learn more about this, please get in touch with us.

What's new ?

We are introducing two additional valuable pieces of information to our quotes responses :

  • vehicle.vehicle_list : a list of expected (but not guaranteed) vehicle make and models. Curated at the supplier level, this list aims to describe the vehicle makes and models that you can expect for a given quote and category.
  • vehicle.image : a visual representation of the vehicle and service level that the user can expect for a given quote.

We are adding this extra layer of information in our quote response to better guide your users into making an informed buying decision.

This feature is currently in BETA version, only available for specific Beta testers.

More details and how to use

Images are standardized to visually reflect main differences between vehicles and services, vehicle_list is curated at a supplier level. This mean that vehicle_list may be empty in cases where a supplier does not have strict rules around vehicle type allowance for a specific service category.

Whilst, vehicle_list returns may return multiple vehicles makes and models, you may choose to select only one from the list as a high level description of what the user can expect for this category. Here is one an example of one way to use it on frontend.