
Introducing Vehicle Type & Tags to Booking API

Extending Booking API with a redesigned vehicle classification system.

What's New?

Having integrated dozens of Dispatch Management Systems and hundreds of fleets we can now offer a more detailed model of global mobility than when we started. So now, we are exposing Vehicle Type and Vehicle Tags to replace Vehicle Class in our Bookings API.

Vehicle Type

The Karhoo Vehicle Type represents the physical description of vehicles.

  • moto
  • standard
  • mpv
  • bus

Vehicle Type, in addition to passenger capacity and luggage capacity, details overall capacity transit capabilities of how you'll get from point A to point B.

How does this differ from Karhoo's Vehicle Class?

Karhoo uses Vehicle Class to match more of a consumer experience where most details of what you'll get are represented by a single term like Electric, or Saloon. We'll continue to support this, but it will now be derived from our new vehicle model for backwards compatibility.

Vehicle Tags

Vehicle Type alone is not enough to describe the full capabilities of our Supply Partners. Booking through Karhoo is not just about transit capacity, we also want to provide our Demand Partners a rich marketplace that evolves with the changing ground transportation environment. Thus we are also introducing Vehicle Tags.

Here are a few common properties widely supported by many of our mobility providers that you can use to improve the booking experience:

  • Electric - A fully battery electric vehicle
  • Hybrid - A mixed hybrid combustion vehicle
  • Wheelchair Accessible - Equipped to handle wheelchairs
  • Child Seat - Provides a child seat
  • Taxi - Provides a regulated metered fare
    * Executive - Describes a premium model of vehicle

The new expanded Vehicle object

Expect to see type & tags objects as a part of the bookings vehicle object. Here is a preview of the new vehicle payload as part of booking api response.

"vehicle": {
        "class": "electric",
        "passenger_capacity": 3,
        "luggage_capacity": 2,
        "tags": [
          "electric", "taxi"